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Acting Kindly @School is a tremendously fun printed card game which teaches young people cooperation, collaboration and the joys of being kind to each other. It’s an antidote for bullying, helps create safer schools and a better environment for learning.
The game is totally cooperative with players playing in pairs, but really all part of one big team. They often switch partners when they draw a Switch Teams card. When the final score is reached…EVERYONE WINS!
You can learn more about the game on the Planet Earthlings website at: Please subscribe to the site to receive updates on this version and upcoming @Work, @Home and 4All Acting Kindly games.
Special thanks to everyone who helped make this video possible including Green Meadows School, assistant director Allen Vishal, voice actors Gary Gillett and Duniya Acuna. Cast: Ram, Tracii, Scotti, Shalini, Naim, Kani, Bina, Dexter, Weston, Shirley, Sienna, Samuel, Duniya, Roshni, Kiran, Jacy, Jaysal, Mia, Aira, Emilia, Madeleine, Luca, Arjun and Latika. Also appreciate all our crowdfunding contributors, CIBA, The Pollination Project and everyone else who helped along the way bringing the dream for Acting Kindly @School to life.
Deep appreciation to Kevin MacLeod all his great music including:
“The Show Must Be Go” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
“Run Amok” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
There are too many people to be named, but you all know you’ve been part of making this dream come true. THANKS!