Ready to go outside and make a difference? The Flight Manual gives the basics about how to play “Acting Kindly.” Feel free to change it around, but always remember to stay with your teams, be aware of your surroundings and be considerate of others.

MISSION: Spaceship teams collect fuel from kind deeds to save planet Earth!
BLAST OFF: Teams of two to five crew members form a spaceship. The ship Engineer shuffles cards and draws. Earn one fuel for each deed completed by all crew members. Beware of rascals and overcome challenges along the way. Remember, fuel can only be collected when everyone is together.
LEVEL UP: Collect three fuel and it’s time to join forces with another ship. If no one is ready, do more deeds to collect bonus fuel to share with others.
DOCKING: Connecting ships empties both tanks. Pick a new Engineer, shuffle deck…start again. When all ships are connected you’ve formed a SuperShip!
HAPPY LANDINGS: The Supership Engineer shuffles a deck and chooses the next deed card. Complete the final deed and…Everyone Wins!