“Acting Kindly” is an alien inspired change the world card mobile app and game where users/players perform random acts of kindness and playful deeds to spread joy. It can be played at school, in your neighborhood, at events or other public venues. The mobile version previously available for Android and iOS is currently being re-worked.
In “Quest Mode” solo users can draw cards from different decks and put each mission in their quest list to share with friends and report back when they are completed.
“Game Mode” is a unique multiplayer, cooperative, experience played out in public spreading joy and immediately making the world a happier place. It can be played at school, neighborhoods, events or any public venue.
How to Play – Game Mode
MISSION: Teams collect fuel from kind deeds and fun challenges to save planet Earth!
BLAST OFF: Teams of 2 to 5 crew members each form a spaceship. The ship Engineer uses their mobile to spin the wheel and then draw cards. Earn one fuel for each deed completed. Rascals are fun, but slow you down. Remember, fuel can only be collected when everyone is together.
LEVEL UP: Complete three deeds and your fuel tank is full. Time to join forces with another ship.
DOCKING: Connecting ships means an empty fuel tank. Choose an Engineer to draw cards for your new, bigger team. Sub-Engineers can still collect points and fuel on their mobiles. Start again earn three fuel…join with another team. When all ships are connected you’ve formed a SuperShip!
HAPPY LANDINGS: The Supership Engineer draws one more deed. Complete it and…Everyone Wins!
Gift Economy & Support…
“Acting Kindly” is completely free and will always remain complimentary. It has a built-in gift economy that encourages various forms of capital. Click the “Pay It Forward” card to donate time, acts of kindness, social sharing or contribute to help us make more empowering games.
The app includes the “Radiate Good” deck from Noora Abdulla Ateeq an Emirati graphic designer and “Smile Decks” from
Kindspring.org. We’re on a mission to make the world better. We know we can do it…but we’re going to need a lot of help from each of you to make the difference.
We’re also working on a full 52 card printed deck called, “Acting Kindly in School.” If you’re interested or know of a school who would be please write us at: info@planetearthlings.org.